Title: No Escape Rating: T Continuity: G1 Characters: Rodimus, Cyclonus, original human Content notes: A very depressed, self-destructive, suicidal Rodimus Prime. Summary: Rodimus just wants to get away. Prompt: "To the dark side"
Title: To Absent Friends Unvierse: G1 AU Rating: PG13 Characters: Rodimus Prime, Spike Witwicky Content Advisory: implied xeno (human/robot), alcohol use, mentions of character deaths Prompt 1: Setting: In a graveyard at midnight
Posting too late for the full set, but still posting :D Haven (1848 total words on Ao3, 2nd and 3rd section, 1622 words, written for the prompt in time limit) by
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Title: In Search Of... Continuity: IDW/MTMTE Rating: G Characters: Swerve, Ultra Magnus, Rodimus Prompt: 2 characters go on a quest Warnings: Spoilers for MTMTE 1, I guess
Title: Cosmic Rust By: mmouse15 Warnings: none Rating: PG Continuity: TFA Wordcount: 256 words Time: 25 minutes Characters: Disclaimer: I don't own, I'm just playing with the toys. I could also be totally wrong with this one. Sorry for any mistakes. Prompt: Prompt #5, Cosmic Rust ( Yeah…I need my doggone Allspark Almanac II to show up. )